🔥 News

  • • 12 / 2023:   I'm awarded the CCF Doctoral Dissertation Award, nine winners in China [CCF 优秀博士学位论文激励计划,全国九人]
  • • 12 / 2023:   One paper on oriented object detection (AlphaRotate) is accepted by ICASSP 2024
  • • 11 / 2023:   I'm selected into the World's Top 2% Scientists 2022/2023 List
  • • 10 / 2023:   I'm elected as CSIG-BVD Committee Member at PRCV 2023
  • • 09 / 2023:   One paper on oriented object detection (H2RBox-v2) is accepted by NeurIPS 2023
  • • 07 / 2023:   One collaborative paper on self-supervised text recognition (CCD) is accepted by ICCV 2023
  • • 07 / 2023:   Researcher at OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Laboratory, working with Prof. Jifeng Dai
  • • 06 / 2023:   A report is made at the Valse 2023 Wuxi [Valse 2023 无锡, W2:遥感影像解译], [报告PPT], [报告回放]
  • • 05 / 2023:   I'm awarded the Shanghai Outstanding Graduates
  • • 05 / 2023:   Passed the doctoral dissertation defense [dissertation], [slides], [playback]
  • • 03 / 2023:   Jittor implementation of CSL and RSDet are supported in JDet
  • • 03 / 2023:   A report is made at OpenMMLab [OpenMMLab社区开放麦], [slides], [bilibili], [zhihu]
  • • 02 / 2023:   Research internship at OpenGVLab, Shanghai AI Laboratory, working with Prof. Jifeng Dai
  • • 02 / 2023:   One collaborative paper on text recognition (SIGA) is accepted by CVPR 2023
  • • 02 / 2023:   One paper on oriented object detection is accepted by SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis 《中国科学:信息科学》
  • • 01 / 2023:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (G-Rep) is accepted by Remote Sensing
  • • 01 / 2023:   Three papers on rotation detection (H2RBox, KFIoU), instance segmentation (PatchDCT) are accepted by ICLR 2023
  • • 01 / 2023:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (TIOE) is accepted by ISPRS
  • • 12 / 2022:   A report is made at the Doctoral Forum of PRCV 2022 [PRCV 2022 博士生论坛]
  • • 12 / 2022:   I'm awarded by the CCF-CV Academic Emerging Scholar, three winners in China [CCF-CV 学术新锐学者,全国三人]
  • • 11 / 2022:   Jittor implementation of GWD, KLD, KFIoU and H2RBox are supported in JDet
  • • 11 / 2022:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (PVT-SAR) is accepted by JSTARS
  • • 09 / 2022:   I'm awarded by the Doctoral National Scholarship
  • • 08 / 2022:   🎉🎉 My google scholar citations have exceeded 2000!
  • • 08 / 2022:   One paper on oriented object detection is accepted by TPAMI
  • • 07 / 2022:   A report is made at OpenMMLab [OpenMMLab社区开放麦], [slides], [slides], [bilibili], [zhihu]
  • • 06 / 2022:   MMRotate is accepted by ACM MM 2022 as Oral
  • • 06 / 2022:   A report is made at Young Scholars Forum of Wu Wenjun's artificial intelligence doctoral class [吴班Talk], [slides]
  • • 06 / 2022:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (RSDet++) is accepted by TCSVT
  • • 04 / 2022:   One paper on oriented object detection (SCRDet++) is accepted by TPAMI
  • • 03 / 2022:   One collaborative paper on image inpainting is accepted by CVPR 2022
  • • 02 / 2022:   A PyTorch-based oriented object detection benchmark is released, called MMRotate
  • • 02 / 2022:   Research internship at EI Innovation Lab, Huawei Cloud, Shanghai, working with Prof. Qi Tian and Dr. Xiaopeng Zhang
  • • 02 / 2022:   One paper on oriented object detection is accepted by IJCV
  • • 12 / 2021:   I'm nominated by SJTU Scholar Star 2021, [上海交通大学“学术之星”提名奖]
  • • 12 / 2021:   A report is made at the fifth Jittor Forum [第五期“计图”论坛], [slides]
  • • 10 / 2021:   Ranking in the Top 40 in the ninth Baidu Scholarship
  • • 09 / 2021:   One paper on oriented object detection (KLD) is accepted by NeurIPS 2021
  • • 09 / 2021:   I'm awarded by the Doctoral National Scholarship (Top-1 in CSE)
  • • 09 / 2021:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (RIDet) is accepted by GRSL
  • • 07 / 2021:   One collaborative paper on image inpainting is accepted by ICCV 2021
  • • 07 / 2021:   One collaborative paper on oriented object detection (SLA) is accepted by Remote Sensing
  • • 05 / 2021:   A report is made at the Magnolia Young Scholar Forum [白玉兰青年学者论坛], [slides]
  • • 05 / 2021:   One paper on oriented object detection (GWD) is accepted by ICML 2021
  • • 03 / 2021:   One paper on oriented object detection (DCL) is accepted by CVPR 2021
  • • 12 / 2020:   Two papers (one collaborative paper) on oriented object detection (R3Det, RSDet) are accepted by AAAI 2021
  • • 10 / 2020:   A TensorFlow-based oriented object detection benchmark is released, called AlphaRotate
  • • 10 / 2020:   Research internship at EI Innovation Lab, Huawei, Shenzhen, working with Prof. Qi Tian and Dr. Xiaopeng Zhang
  • • 07 / 2020:   One paper on oriented object detection (CSL) is accepted by ECCV 2020
  • • 09 / 2019:   I'm supported by Wu Wen Jun Honorary Doctoral Scholarship, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • • 09 / 2019:   I'm joining Department of CSE at Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a Ph.D. student, supervised by Prof. Junchi Yan
  • • 07 / 2019:   One paper on oriented object detection (SCRDet) is accepted by ICCV 2019
  • • 07 / 2019:   One collaborative paper on object detection is accepted by BMVC 2019
  • • 06 / 2019:   We win 1st place in WAD2019 Challenge on the D2-City & BDD100K Detection Domain Adaption track
  • • 06 / 2019:   We win 3st/4th place in DOAI2019 Challenge on the HBB/OBB track
  • • 12 / 2018:   Research internship at Detection Group, Megvii (Face++) Research, working with Dr. Gang Yu